我现在打算去购物英文 英语 翻译..


我打算去购物.英语怎么说 我打算去购物.I'm going shopping注:shopping 英[???p??]美[??ɑ:p??]n.购物,买东西;工作室,制作室;车间;家庭作坊;vi.选购:为寻找商品或便宜货而逛商店;到处寻找:为得到某物而寻找它;vt.逛(某一个商店)或(在某一个商店)买东西;[例句]I'll do the shopping this afternoon.今天下午我会去买东西。英语翻译 Ben is going to go shopping to buy some gifts for hie parents.I am not going to go to library with you,because I will watch football match.Would you please go to picnic with me?Certainly,I'm glad.。英语怎么说 I'm going to go shopping我正要去购物用英语怎么说? 我正要去购物的英文:I'm going shoppingshopping 读法 英['??p??]美['?ɑp??]1、n.购物,买东西2、v.购物(shop的ing形式)短语:1、shopping plaza 购物广场2、shopping street 商业街3、shopping spree 疯狂购物;抢购狂欢4、window shopping 逛商店;看橱窗5、do the shopping 购物,买东西例句:1、Son,I'm going shopping.I'll be back soon.儿子,我要去买东西了。我很快就回来。2、Your father is at a meeting and I'm going shopping,I need your help.你爸爸正在开会,我要去买东西,我需要你的帮助。扩展资料一、shopping的原型:shopshop 读法 英[??p]美[?ɑp]1、n.商店;店铺2、vt.购物3、vi.购物;买东西短语:1、shop for something 买某物2、shop for 购买某物3、shop assistant 店员4、shop floor 工作场所;工人5、job shop 加工车间二、shop的词义辨析:shop,store,department这组词都有“商店”的意思,其区别是:1、shop 指规模较小,出售同一7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333431353264类商品的店铺。2、store 在美国指出售同一类商品的小型商店。在英国用复数形式表示百货商店。3、department 作商店解时。我打算去购物。英语怎么说 I am going to go shopping.或者I will go shopping.I am going to go shopping.会好一点英语 翻译.. 1.They usually the after school kick football.2.His aunt always goes shopping on Saturday.3.We are do a homework now.4.Her father is drive.5.On this weekend,we intend to go to wild meal.6.I inte.“我下午准备去购物”用英语怎么说? I am going to go shopping this afternoon如果能帮到你,请好评一个,谢谢我想去购物用英语怎么说 .I would like to go shopping.第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck。今天谁想去购物 用英语怎么写 Who want to go shopping today?


