英语翻译与诸子登岘山(孟浩然) 人事有代谢,往来成古今.江山留胜迹,我辈复登临.水落鱼梁浅,天寒梦泽深.羊公碑尚在,读罢泪沾巾.
中文翻译英文 Not only the water is ships each nutrients in the body the carrier,Moreover also directly participates in the human body metabolism,therefore guaranteed sufficient absorbs the water volume to be very important to the human body physiology function normal work.The water is human body one of six big nutrients,In the water includes many kinds of to the human body beneficial mineral substance and the trace element,But in the pure water these material content reduces greatly,If in the people diet nutrition structure is not usually balanced,On very easy to cause the nutrition detuning.
英语翻译 【注解】:1、代谢:交替,轮换.2、胜迹:指上述堕泪碑.3、鱼梁:鱼梁洲,其地也在襄阳.【韵译】:人间世事不停地交替变换,一代接一代永远今来古往.江山保留着历代有名胜迹,而今我们又重新登临观赏.冬末水位降低了渔塘很浅,天寒云梦泽更加深湛浩荡.羊祜堕泪碑依然巍峨矗立,读罢碑文泪沾襟无限感伤.