英语翻译 Not knowing when it started,the number of wildlife has becoming fewer and fewer,and some of them even became extinct.It has its own reason,but the main reason is the human beings.In order to have their living conditions getting better,humans have been cutting down forests,which is causing desertification of land,and many wildlife have lose their home.Hunters kill wildlife everywhere.Just because of these reasons,many wildlife are facing extinction.[楼上机器翻译不错,不过我没有机器,]
朋友不在于多,而在于精。这句话用英语怎么说? Does not lie in than friends,but fine
为什么交朋友不是在于数量而是在于质量呢,不是朋友越多越好的吗? 你愿意在自己出了一点点事情的时候你的各种朋友各种推脱,还是愿意看到你交心的几位好友为你真诚的付出呢?朋友再多也不过是一时的热闹罢了,但你的知己,你的至交好友是你一生的财富