你以后想做什么工作用英语怎么说 你以后想做什么工作的英文


你以后想做什么工作?翻译成英语 What will you do after later.

你以后想做什么工作用英语怎么说 what kind of job you want to do in the future

有关“你以后想要做什么工作?为什么?”的英语小短文,50词左右 不知道你要什么难度的,应该是小学水平吧或者初中?看看写的适合你不?Do you want to be a teacher I think to be a teacher is very useful。A teacher who makes their students happy and can friendly to everyone。I like children very much,if i am a teacher,I can play with children every day。how happy it is。well,we can imagine to be a teacher is very intresting。I think to be a teacher must be happy,to learn from others。I will remember:smile in my heart。and as a teacher we should to do it。Someone thinks as a teacher is hard。but every pain has a pleasure.I wil to be a good teacher in the future。I think to a good teacher is not a dream。I must be win。

