后耀华中 请问耀华中学的王林雨物理教得好吗?一中的刘淑娜英语教得好吗?


2017年10月,耀华中学将迎来90华诞。九十载风雨耀华,一路薪火相传、执着求索,一路继往开来、创造辉煌。请你以“厉害了,我的耀华”为开头,写一段文字。 本题考查学生综合表达语言的基本能力.解答此类题目需要学生准确细致把握题目的基本意思以及命题人设置的基本意图,这是解答本题的关键所在.这一题要求学生以“厉害了,我的耀华”为开头,写一段80字的文字,来纪念.

请问耀华中学的王林雨物理教得好吗?一中的刘淑娜英语教得好吗? 王林雨教的很好 很容易理解

假定你是李津。作为高~新生,你升入耀华中学后已经在这里学习和生活了近一个学期,对各个方面都有所感触。现请你用英文给在Australia的一位笔友Tracy写一封信,分享以下几点内容: Dear Tracy,How are you recently?I have studied in Yaohua High School,which is among the top local schools,as a freshman for than 2 months and I cannot wait to share my feelings with you.Our school is an ideal place to live and study in.There are beautiful pants,and nice flowers.Moreover,we have a variety of societies to choose and activities to join in.I have friendly classmates who are hard-working and kind to each other.Our teachers,who are always ready to help us with our studies,are very professional and strict in their work.At present,however,I am not doing well in maths.And there is still some time before I can be really independent.But I have talked it with my teacher and I will try my best to catch up with others and learn to live by myself in the future.How are you getting on?Please write back as soon as possible.Best wishes.Sincrerly yours,Li Jin


