家庭成员英语 单词卡片 家庭成员英语单词大全


家庭称呼的英语单词 爸爸 father/daddy 妈妈 mother/mamma阿姨aunt 叔叔uncle丈人/公公 father in-law婆婆/丈母娘 mother in-law奶奶/外婆 grandmother/grandma爷爷/外公 grandfather/grandpa哥哥 elder brother 弟弟 younger brother姐姐 elder sister 妹妹 younger sister堂(或表)兄弟;堂(或表)姐妹 cousin儿子 son 女儿daughter

制作卡片的英语单词怎么写? Make cards英文发2113音:[me?k kɑ?dz]中文释义:制作卡5261片;做卡片例句:He took photos of each one and then used these photographs to make cards.他为每张比萨脸4102谱拍了照,然后用这些照片做成卡1653片。词汇解析:1、Make英文发音:[me?k]中文释义:v.制造;做;组装;写;出产;制订;铺床例句:Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄做的。2、cards英文发音:[kɑ?dz]中文释义:n.卡片纸;厚纸片;薄纸板;(尤指显示个人信息的)卡片;信用卡;现金卡;储值卡例句:Credit cards can be handy—they mean you do not have to carry large sums of cash.信用卡很方便,有了它你就不用携带大量现金了。扩展资料card的用法:1、card的基本意思是“卡”“卡片”“名片”,引申可表示“柬帖”“明信片”“纸牌”“扑克牌”等,均用作可数名词。2、card也可指“办法”“手段”“妙计”,是可数名词。例句:card的短语:1、application card 申请卡2、birthday card 生日贺卡3、boxing card 拳击程序表4、calling card 名片5、Christmas card 圣诞贺卡

用英语介绍一下你的所有家庭成员,包括他们的外貌特征,喜好等?50字左右 Hello,everyone,I’m Liu Dongdong.I’m a student.There are three people in my family—my father,mother and I.My father is 40 years old.He is a worker.I think he is a good worker.Because he works very h.

