“春天来了,又到了万物复苏的季节,随着湿润季节的来临,万物开始骚动了”是什么意思? 春天来了万物都越来越什么了


春天来了,万物开始复苏,随着湿润季节的来临,动物们开始骚动是什么意思 是说小妖精要骚动了

春天来了万物复苏 很多事情都发生了变化,用英文写一段话 Spring is coming.Spring is a wanderful sang which we can hear nearby the river,onto the meadow.Spring is a beautiful picture,most of us love it and live in it.We welcome the apring by the riverside and watch the blue sky.Spring is my favourite season,do you?

英语作文春天来了,万物复苏,很多事物都发生了变化.请根据你的观察,写一写这些 e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad9431333337383962When it comes to having a favorite time of year,not many people would agree on a certain season.As many people would probably consider summer as their favorite.On the other hand,some people would prefer winter.Personally,I enjoy all four seasons for;every season has its own characteristics.However,if I were asked to name one season as a favorite,I would say spring is my favorite season with no hesitation.First of all,no one can deny that the weather is perfect during the spring.For,it is not too hot or humid like the summer nor it is too cold like those cold,freezing days of winter.In addition,not only you can enjoy the weather but,also you can save some money on your utility bills.Also,this is the best time of year for an outdoor exercise.Wheather you are like me enjoys a good – morning run in the park or prefers to walk to the mall instead of driving or catching the bus.In addition,if you enjoy fishing like I do,you will 。


