我想要简短点的西湖十景的英文介绍,三四句就行,不要太长 曲院风荷的英文介绍


我想要简短点的西湖十景的英文介绍,三四句就行,不要太长 西湖十景 the Ten Views of West Lake 苏堤春晓Spring Dawn by Su Causeway 曲院风荷Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard 平湖秋月Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake 。曲院风荷英文介绍 Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan GardenBreeze – ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden which features in lotus ranks the 2nd of Top Ten View just after Spring Dawn at Su Causeway.In Southern Song Dynasty,Quyuan Courtyard was an official vinery which located on the bank of the West Lake beside the Hongcun Bridge on the Linyin Road where many lotus were planted.In summer breezes,the air was scented with delicate fragrance of lotus intermingled with the tasteful bouquet of wine.However,the courtyard was very much neglected and the nearby lake silted up.It became a small garden with a small pavilion,a veranda and a few lotus flowers planted in the water in front.Started from 1983,an extension project has been under way to develop it to a huge park.Currently,the park includes five sections:Yue Lake,Bamboo Garden,Lotus Garden,Winding Garden and Lakeside Forest.Therefore it is very popular attractions for the tourists with General Yuefei’s Tomb,Guo’s Villa and Hangzhou Botanical Garden 。曲院风荷的";曲院";是什么意思(不是诗) 顾名思义,“曲院”就是指有亭台楼阁、小桥流水、曲径通幽的庭院。以苏州“四大名园之一苏州最古老的园林—沧浪亭为例,这曾是名将韩世忠的住宅。未进园门便见一池。请问西湖断桥的英文名是什么啊? 西湖断桥的英文名:Broken Bridge on the West LakeLake 读法 英[le?k]美[le?k]n.湖;湖泊例句1、He fell into the lake.他掉进了湖里。2、The garden reaches the lake.花园一直延伸到湖边。短语1、the Great Lakes(北美)五大湖2、pleasure lake 供游览的湖泊3、along the lake 沿湖边4、around the lake 在湖的周围5、at the lake 在湖中扩展资料词语用法1.lake的意思是“湖”,一般指被地围着的大面积的流动水域或积水,船舶可在上面航行,是可数名词。2、英美国家的湖泊名称,常把专有名词后置,并不加冠词。而中国湖泊的名称,专有名称往往前置,且加定冠词。词汇搭配1、by the lake 湖畔2、in a lake 在湖中3、on the lake 在湖上4、on the edge of the lake 在湖边5、sunset on the lake 湖上落日6、boat upon the lake 湖上泛舟词义辨析lake,pond,pool,puddle这组词的共同意思是“湖”“池塘”“水坑”。其区别在于:1、lake的意思是“湖”,一般指大面积的流动水域,船舶可在上面航行;2、pond的意思是“水池”,多为人工开凿而成,用于养鸭、养鱼之用。3、pool的意思是“水塘”,指小面积且水流慢的水域。4、puddle的意思是“水坑”,多指由于。

