塔赫他间系统中木兰亚纲 被子植物四大分类系统


塔赫他间系统的介绍 塔赫他间系统,这是前苏联植物学家塔赫他间(A.Takhtajan)于1954年在其《被子植物起源》一书中公布的系统,他首先打破了传统把双子叶植物分为离瓣花亚纲和合瓣花亚纲的分类;在分类等级上增设了“超目”一级分类单元。

请问:谁能提供俄国植物学家——塔赫他间(A.Takhtajan)的详细资料,包括他的生平等等,本人不胜感激! 英文维基上的介绍比较详细。可以用翻译软件看Armen Takhtajan(born 1910),aka Armen Leonovich Takhtadjan or Takhtadzhian,is a Soviet-Armenian botanist,one of the most important figures in 20th Century plant evolution and systematics and biogeography.His other interests include morphology of flowering plants,paleobotany,and the flora of the Caucasus.Takhtajan worked at the Komarov Botanical Institute in Leningrad,where he developed his 1940 classification scheme for flowering plants,which emphasized phylogenetic relationships between plants.His system did not become known to botanists in the West until after 1950,and in the late 1950s he began a correspondence and collaboration with the prominent American botanist Arthur Cronquist,whose plant classification scheme was heavily influenced by his collaboration with Takhtajan and other botanists at Komarov.The\"Takhtajan system\"of flowering plant classification treats flowering plants as a division(phylum),Magnoliophyta,with two 。

双子叶植物纲有哪些亚纲?这个要看不同的分类系统。塔赫他间系统:木兰亚纲、毛茛亚纲、石竹亚纲、五桠果亚纲、金缕梅亚纲、菊亚纲、蔷薇亚纲 克朗奎斯特:-亚纲,双子叶。


