在我们的努力下, 用英语怎么说? with our efforts,
“努力去做”用英文怎么说? 1、try to do;2、drive away at;3、strive to do.1、try to dotry to do 意为2113“试着5261做某事;4102尽力做某事”。例句:1653Try to do without tobacco and alcohol.尽量不要抽烟喝酒。2、drive away atdrive away at 意为“努力做;孜孜不倦地做”。例句:He has driven away at his syudy for decades.他已经致力于它的研究几十年了。3、strive to dostrive to do 意为“力求;力图”。You should always strive to achieve however well you have done before.无论之前取得何等辉煌的成就,都应该努力进取。
努力学习英文怎么说? 努力2113学习的英文5261是:Study hard。努力的英文是:make great efforts;4102try hard;exert oneself;effort;endeavor。学习的英文是:study;learn;emulate;learning。以下是双语例句(1653拓展):你非努力学习不可。You must study hard。我们要经常鞭策自己努力学习。We should constantly urge ourselves on to study hard。他努力学习,希望能被一所工程学院录取。He was studying in the hope of being admitted to an engineeringcollege。他为了上大学正在努力学习。He is studying hard with a view to going to university。对于一些小学生来说,受表扬不是努力学习的动机。With some pupils,praise is not an incentive to study hard。你的进步会促进我们努力学习。Your progress will urge us to work hard。唯有努力学习,才能掌握外语。One can grasp a foreign language only if he studies hard。