英语翻译 this is the new car I just bought.this is the car I just took.this is the house I lived in two years agoThsi is the house I built two years agothe village I have been to ten years ago is beautifu.这是我以前居住过的房间怎么翻译 this is the room where I lived before.this is te room in which I lived before.this is the room where i used to livethis is the room in which I used to live英语翻译 1,I have already read this book2,I read this book one year ago3,How much have the house cost?4,They have been working here since 19805,He has been here for 30 years6,When did you sweep the floor?I swept the floor 3 hours ago7,Have you seen the new boss?8,Do you like swimming in the sea?I have swam in the sea for several times9,Have you told teacher?Yes,i told him yesterday
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