翻译成英语句子:当我们到一个新环境的时候,因为我们不认识周围的人,甚至也不知道要做什么,我认为你应该和班上同学交朋友,如果你有任何问题你能问我们来寻求帮助 当我们到一个新环境的时候,因为我们不认识周围的人,甚至也不知道要做什么,我认为你应该和班上同学交朋友,如果你有任何问题你能问我们来寻求帮助 翻译成英语是 When we 。英语翻译 I think that friendship is a very precious,as the saying goes:one friends than road,Go on a friend.All this reflects the friendship brings our help.Friendship does not need a beautiful face and luxurious apparel,friendship needs is a sincere candid soul.Friendship can make our life exciting and fulfilling.Friendship in our life occupies an important position.I think that friendship is priceless.Please treasure friendship。请英语好的朋友帮助纠正一下翻译错误:“我认为我是一个nice,友好,以及一个耐心的人,非。。。” I think I am a nice,friendly and patient person.I am willing to help others.Additionally,I am well-equipped with professional knowledge and have also accumulated some related experience in IT.I could take advantage of all my strengths and experience to make my work much efficient.英语翻译 What is a friend,most people think a good friend should help each other,sharing joy,some people if you can share the joys and sorrows,and they are not your real friends.I think a good friend should th.英语翻译 I think I have enough ability to hold the job.I am not only a cheerful person,but also very energetic,willing to take the initiative to help others,to get along well with classmates,respect teache.
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