我们打算在那里呆三天 用英语怎么说? We intend to stay there for three days.祝楼主进步!要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!咨询云南瑞丽旅游的线路 到了瑞丽可以先去华丰或者长途汽车站对面 还有步行街(看守所旁边)购买玉石和泰国缅甸越南的土特产品 也可以准备回大理时购买 然后去姐告边贸区 离瑞丽不远 在姐告边贸区。英语翻译句子 1 Do I have to stayat home and read some books on rainy days?2 he must bereading a book,he could not play computer games.3 what do you wantto give to the teacher as the teacher's day?I'm not sure,maybe I will give himsome flowers,maybe I will make him a card.英语作文 汉译英 答案是:1.the Whites are going to DaLian for vacation this summer and staying there about three weeks2.DaLian is beautiful and the weather is fine,it's suitable for going sightseeing3.they can go swimming in the sea and eat the delicious seafood and local food in Dalian4.they are going to spend a happy and relaxing vacation there5.they are going to bring some souvenirs for their friends英语翻译:我们将去香港度假,而且在那里呆三周 今年夏天他打算去度一个长假 我计划在美丽的乡下度过一段时 1.We are going to spend holiday in Hongkong and stay there for three weeks.2.He plans to spend a long holiday this summer.3.I plan to spend for days in the beautiful countryside.4.Thailand is a nice place to visit.5.He is leaving for Hongkong on Tuesday我们将要在那里呆两周英语 We will/are going to stay there for two weeks.We are staying there(for)two weeks.今年六月份打算一个人去云南旅行,周期3周,有什么靠谱性的建议,比如哪些地方值得去,去前需准备些什么? 昨天刚旅游完回来,玩了18天,以下是写得乱七八糟的游记,供题主参考。【路线】昆明→西双版纳→大理…初一英语作文 this summer,we are to have a visit to america,where my father's friend lives in.we plan to have a two-week stay.during this two week,we will go some sightseeing.on the hand,due to the hot weather here.英语作文 汉译英 答案是:1.the Whites are going to DaLian for vacation this summer and staying there about three weeks 2.DaLian is beautiful and the weather is fine,it's suitable for going sightseeing 3.they can go s.七年没回国了,打算今年回去一趟呆三周左右,有什么可以做的? 我在法国生活近十年,上次回去是2012年春节。2017年生了孩子,如今辞职在家做主妇,感觉身心疲惫,想回国…
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