英语翻译 You look as though you had a good timeIn the last decade,great change taken place in China The party is in order to celebrate her birthday抱歉,我也不会.就只能这样了但即使是这样 我看着你还是很开心怎么用英文说? 即使是这样,但是我看着你还是很开心的,英文可翻译成:Even so,I am still very happy to see you英语翻译 you looks as though you had good time.great changes has taken placed in china in 10 years.the celbration means to celebrate the Birthday for him.英语翻译 It seemed as though you've had a great time.That song always reminded me of my childhood.People who are over-weight should cut donw the intake of fat and glucose.The mother has her son not talking to his father in that way.)英语翻译 1.The children shouted out at the sight of sea.2.Could you say again since I didn't catch on what you just said?3.He was conscious of the difficulty of that job but still accepted at last.4.I am still puzzled about the things happened that day to this day.Thanks.英语翻译 You look much happier than yesterday.You are imaginative than me.This flower is beautiful than other ones.He brought the book back home.英语翻译 1.you look as if you have enjoyed yourselves2.I sounded as if he was ill.3.TAO shook his head as if to say that we should not trust him
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