英文能用中国式的方法用在句子中吗 要有主语谓语宾语而且英文一般用My friend and Igo to eat 的表达也非常的awkward今天下午我和朋友一起去吃饭用英语怎么说 今天下午我和朋友一起去吃饭用英语I will eat with my friends together in the afternoon.有时我们会约朋友出去吃饭,英语怎么说. 有时我们会约朋友出去吃饭Sometimes we ask our friends out for dinner.英语翻译 1.I will have dinner with some friends tonght and will be home late.2.We still meet together where we used to.3.Whom will you have dinner with tonght?Are they your collegues?4.Who will travel with you tomorrow?Are you going to Beijing?5.It is late now and the job can be done tomorrow.The job can be done later on.今天晚上怎么出去吃饭吧 用英语怎么说 Let's dine out tonight.英语翻译 1.Since Tom asked me to have dinner with him,I wouldn't be home then.2.Alice decided to go climbing/go shopping with me.3.I've asked that girl out for a movie tonight.4.I have a few friends go to the amusement park tomorrow.5.Thank you so much for your help,and I couldn't even make it wihout you./I woul have accomplished nothing without your assistance.以上翻译比较口语化,相对比较好掌握同时比较能在文化习惯上表示出相应的意思.另外弱弱的指出上中第2句Appoint在这种用法中一般表示指定而非约定,第三句date在习惯上不加补足语.虽然也可以希望可以帮到你.有时我们会约朋友出去吃饭,英语怎么说。 有时我们会约朋友出去吃饭Sometimes we ask our friends out for dinner.我想和朋友出去吃饭的英文句子怎么写 我想和朋友出去吃饭I would like to go and have dinner with my firends.英文\ count me in 100%对有时候我们会去朋友家聊天,也会约他们出去吃饭.英语怎么说 有时候我们会去朋友家聊天,也会约他们出去吃饭.Sometimes we go to friends' to chat,and also ask them out for dinner.
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