又是一年圣诞夜 D.是一年中夜最长的一天


又是一年圣诞至 12月24日是西方的平安夜,中国人取谐音“平安果”(苹果)。其实西方人是不送苹果的。圣诞节的前一天,被称为平安夜。平安夜还没到,一种叫做“平安果”的礼物,开始在人们手。

英语翻译 Soon a year on Christmas Eve.elderly but still supple Santa Claus as usual,to begin to busy work.because,on this day,there are 160 million children around the world waiting for Santa Clausgifts,but Santa Claus only one night.which means:Santa Claus in seconds to the 1434 children giving gifts.That must be within 0.0007 seconds,the sleigh on the roof,and thendown the chimney got into the house,quietly gift put down,climbed out of the chimney,get on the sled,to reach a child in the roof.Santa speed must reach 180 times the rocket launcher。Santa's Super reindeer\"speed will be ordinary reindeer to 260,000 times。Advancing at this rate,promoting the shock wave generated by the airflow caused by loud noises will make people sleep at night.this explosive force equivalent to 14 billion times Earth's gravity.Is likely a departure,it will explode.In addition,even if each gift is only 100 grams,then 160 million gift.16,000,000 kg。This requires than 100,000 reindeer,Santa Claus only 9.this 。

找一首男生唱的,歌词有一句“会不会有一个圣诞老人,在。。。。。” 歌 手:冷冰扬冷冰扬-Merry Christmas作词:May 作曲:李风持By:Starchan白雪覆盖每一个清晨珍贵的人 幸福的人没有你的冬天会不会冷回想那年的圣诞时分我们笑容多么纯真转眼又是一年冬日早晨时间能不能再等一等望着街上过往的行人仿佛微笑也变得陌生会不会有一个圣诞老人在夜晚敲开我的房门就算是我想得太过天真礼物是你温暖的吻平安夜的钟声在敲打心门Merry christmas我最亲爱的人如果还能感受你掌心的余温这个圣诞节就不会冷微笑着擦干脸上的泪痕我还会在这里痴痴的等对着窗外熄灭的街灯说你依然是我最爱的人会不会有一个圣诞老人在夜晚敲开我的房门就算是我想得太过天真礼物是你温暖的吻平安夜的钟声在敲打心门Merry christmas我最亲爱的人如果还能感受你掌心的余温这个圣诞节就不会冷

