除夕,家家赶做年菜、贴对联、放鞭炮、吃团圆饭。正月初一,铺户都上着板子,门前堆着昨夜燃放的爆竹纸皮 正月初一吃团圆饭日记五百字


写一篇关于春节的英语短文 In addition to the sound of firecrackers-year-old,vase into the Su Tu.1000 10000 Hitomi Hitomi day total to replace old scrolls new.This is the Song Wang's\"Mongol,\"Whenever we read the poem,a sense of celebration will remember with affection,indeed,the Spring Festival is the most solemn of folk,one of the most popular traditional festival,it is not only in Han popular,Manchu,Mongolian,Yao,plaint,Bai,Gaoshan dozen minority also had the custom of New Year,but in form its own characteristics.Do not look at how this holiday celebration,in its back,also circulated a very interesting story:in the Pacific time,there is a ferocious beast,it will only bring bad luck,people management they called\"Year\"as long as it came,would make withered trees,grasses and non-students,and it was gone,all born again,flowers are blooming.Subsequently,it slowly began to come in every time a firecracker ready to ward off monsters.\"New Year\"is the term that has come since then,the Chinese New Year 。

除夕,家家赶做年菜、贴对联、放鞭炮、吃团圆饭。正月初一,铺户都上着板子,门前堆着昨夜燃放的爆竹纸皮 截然不同

除夕,家家赶做年菜、贴对联、放鞭炮、吃团圆饭。正月初一,铺户都上着板子,门前堆着昨夜燃放的爆竹纸皮 零七八碎 万象更新 男女老少 灯火通宵 日夜不绝 万不得已 截然不同 。


