求运动会的稿子,致xxx运动员,加内容,要英文的, 就我给你发的这个,复制粘贴到谷歌翻译,就成英文啦。致运动员力量的拼搏 耐力的考验 默契的展现 面对这些 你毫不畏惧 勇往直前 加油吧。运动员们。加油吧。运动员们。致接力运动员 接力棒带着你摩擦出的火光,接力棒带着你.
英语翻译 1.The running athlete has toured the Great Wall.2.The kids has departured for Qingdao.3.They have been to jinnan before.4.These ones have been in Shanghai since a month ago.5.They will have retured t.
英语翻译 1.To bring the world’s best young athletes together and celebrate.2.To offer a unique and powerful introduction to Olympism.3.To innovate in education,debating Olympic values and the challenges facin.