有哪位朋友帮我一下,我想知道一首三个女孩唱的英文mv的歌名,这首mv节奏较快一开始是三个女孩在卫生 D姐1.咪咪是我的猫的名字。(用英文怎么说)2.这三个女孩都是我的朋友。(用英语怎么说)? There are three cats in my old house,1 call big Mi Mi,the second call Mi Mi,the third call small Mi Mi.The big Mi Mi borns英语翻译 1 an girl2 an American boy3 let have a look4 three new friends5 an old friend6 a tall and strong cousin7 Sammi comes from England,shi is twenth,shi is mine请楼主慎用二位朋友用英语怎么说 two friendsthree daughtersfive picturessome basketballs这三个女孩都是我的朋友用英语 These three girls are all my friends.These three girls are friends of mine.英语翻译 1.What is the relationship among you and them?2.I don't know what relationship among you and the two girls/the three girls is.3.the relationship is very good/bad among him and the two girls/the three girls.4.How is the relationship among him and those people?5.How is the relationship among you and the five/the two?希望对你有帮助.这三个女孩都是我的朋友用英语 The three girls are my friends.All(of)these three girls are my friends.The three girls are all my friends/are all friends of mine. 宝宝知道提示您:回答为网友。
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