保护动物的组织 英文 世界动物保护组织英语怎么说,要全称


英语翻译 The and animal protecting organizations emerging currently do not stop the trend of the extinction of animals.Therefore,some people hold onto the belief that protecting animals is nothing bu.

关于保护动物的英文名言。 1、Even ferocious beasts,if always kept in cages,will lose their courageous nature.—Tacitus即使是凶猛的野兽,如果总关在笼里,也会失去自己的勇猛本性。塔西佗2、attach equal importance to human rights and animal rights,which should be the consensus of all mankind.—Lincoln,President of the United States我对人权和动物权益一样重视,这也应是全体人类该有的共识。林肯,美国总统3、God's creations,even the lowest animals,are members of the Chorus of Life.I don't like any religion that only caters to human needs and ignores animals like cats and dogs.—Lincoln,President of the United States上帝所创造的,即使是最低等的动物,皆是生命合唱团的一员,我不喜欢只针对人类需要而不顾及猫、狗等动物的任何宗教。林肯,美国总统4、Human love,hope and fear are no different from animals.They are like sunshine,coming from the same origin and landing on the same ground.—John Moore人类的爱,希望和恐惧与动物没有什么两样,他们就像阳光,出于同源,落于同地。约翰·默尔5、A person who is cruel to animals 。

有关动物保护组织的英文报道 1.stop wearing clothes made of furs2.stop eating wild animals3.protect the environment where wild animals live in4.stop huntting wild animals as a joy5.decrease the pollution of the environment6.reinforce(加知强)道 the consciousness(意识回)of the importance of wild animals to our human7.propagandise(宣传答)the need to protect wild animals8.make movies about wild animals to enhance people's unstanding of them


