珍惜水就是珍惜生命,我们要节约用水 节约水就是拯救我们的生命英语


节约用水的英语作文,1水是生命之源,水对我们来说很重要,2,地球75%是水,3,必须要节约用水 Water is very important to the human beings.But now many rivers and lakes are polluted.And what shall we do We can do like these things:First we must protect the factory form pouring waste.怎么节约水英语造句 To save water is to save our lives.\"he said.\"“节约水就是拯救生命。他说。we should all learn how to save water.我们必须学会如何节约水。Take short showers only to save water。快速洗个澡只是为了节约水!We should strive to conserve water and protect water.我们应努力节约水和保护水。I will save the water and never throw rubbishes.我会节约水和不乱扔垃圾。Glory to Save water。节约水光荣!英语翻译1、环境保护,人人有责。2、保护环境是一项必须长期坚持的基本国策。3、实施科教兴国与可持续发展战略。4、1998年6月5日世界环境日主题是:\ 英语翻译 他说,节约水资源就是拯救我们的生命.节约用水就是珍惜生命的翻译是:什么意思 节约用水就是珍惜生命的翻译是:Water conservation is to cherish life珍惜水就是珍惜生命,我们要节约用水 Lack of water supply is endangering the existence of human beings.Save the water,save the world。100条有关环保的名言英语名言大全——英语名言名句 100条有关环保的名言英语名言大全—英语名言名句 未解决问题 等待您来回答 奇虎360旗下最大互动问答社区保护水资源、节省资源、环境保护的英语作文60字带翻译 Environmental protection is a heated issue nowadays.Everyone should dedicate to preserving natural resources,especially water resource that is extremely scarce in China,a country with the largest population in the world.If each person can help to save up some water,we together would make a big contribution to saving the world.In addition,industries should take the responsibility of preventing water resource from being polluted by their waste.环境保护是当今的一个热门话题。人人都应该致力于节约自然资源,尤其是水资源。中国作为世界人口第一大国,在水资源方面严重缺乏。如果每个人都能够帮助节约一点水,我们一起就可以为拯救这个世界作出贡献。另外,工厂也应该负起他们的责任,不让它们的废弃物污染到我们的水资源。谁给我一篇英语作文:关于保护水的!!! Water is very important to human being.But now many rivers and lakes are severely polluted.What shall we do then?The following measures should be taken into consideration:First we must protect the factory form pouring waste water into the riverSecond we should stop people from throwing litter into the river.Many kinds of litter may pollute the environment.Finally we can tell the visitors how important the water is.After doing these things,I think water will become clearer sooner or later.希望能帮到你英语翻译 1,environmental protection,everyone duty.2,the environmental protection is a must long-term basic state policy.3,emancipate our minds and the sustainable development strategy.4,1998 June 5th world env.

