要能应付高中学业水平考试的英语,要什么级别才行。词汇掌握多少,语法要多少 学业水平测试 英语


学业水平考试的英语作文,主要是加主语,可我不会加,谁能告诉我怎么加吗? 英语的语法基本的就是:主谓宾,主语+谓语+宾语,主语一般就是你我他或地点/事物之类的,谓语就是动词,所以主语加在动词前就可以了

学业水平考试又要补考了,英语怎么过啊.?26号就要考试了/ 安心复习,不用过多的想结果,如果不安心复习结果可想而知,还不如放手学几天练练手,熟悉熟悉题型,提高做题速度呢

要一篇学业水平测试的英语作文(自己写的,不要网上那些,) Sunshine in My LifeEveryone has different ideas about life.Some say life is happy,but others feel life is unhappy.As for me,life is beautiful and full of sunshine.Several weeks ago,one of my classmates Sun was badly ill.He had to be in hospital for a long time.But hisfamily was too poor to afford it.What could we do?We decided to collect money for him.Everyone in our class took out our pocket money.Then,we went to the street on Sunday to collect money from peole around us.When we sent all the money to him,he and his parents bursted into tears.Everyone of us was moved.Maybe sometimes we feel unlucky,but we should believe that Life is beautiful.Positive energywill be around us forever。希望对你有帮助~

