氧化剂英文 英语翻译


英语翻译 特殊运送方法及注意事项:起运时包装要完整,装载应稳妥.运输过程中要确保容器不泄漏、不倒塌、不坠落、不损坏.严禁与氧化剂、酸类、食用化学品等混装混运.Special means of transport and matters for attention:Complete packaging is necessary when deliver the shipment,loading should be safe and sure.In the course of transportation,it must be ensured that the containers should not be leaking,toppled down and damaged.Mixed loading and mixed transportation with other items such as oxidizing agents,acids,edible chemicals etc.are strictly prohibited.运输时运输车辆应配备相应品种和数量的消防器材及泄漏应急处理设备.运输途中应防曝晒、雨淋,防高温.公路运输时要按规定路线行驶,勿在居民区和人口稠密区停留.The transport vehicle for the goods should be equipped with suitable type and quantity of fire-fighting equipments and contingency equipment for treating leakage.During transportation,avoid exposure to sunlight,rain and extreme heat.Adhere to fixed route when using road transportation;do not stop at residential 。

食品抗氧化剂的英文怎么写 food antioxidant

英语翻译 Take the Yangzi petrification factory dicarboxylic acid waste water as the research object,attempts and auxiliary carries on processing using the catalyzed oxidation by the ultrasonic wave to it,the inspection oxidant throws the increment,the time,the dicarboxylic acid density,whether there is as well as to its processing effect influence.The result indicated that,Next time the sodium chlorate oxidant processing effect will have to throw in the same condition adds the hydrogen peroxide solution the processing effect to have to be better than.Throws the increment in the sodium hypochlorite is 10%,the time hour its processing efficiency is high 98.10%,simultaneously may know:The ultrasonic wave degeneration dicarboxylic acid effect is not ideal.


