

英语翻译 I like to make friends.If you wish,I'd like to be your friend.Every year on the second Saturday of August,it is the day of Qingdao International Beer Festival.If you come to Qingdao,I can buy you a dr.

英语在线翻译青岛是一座美丽的现代化城市,它以青岛啤酒而出名 Qingdao is a beautiful modernized city,being famous with Qindao beer.

用英语简介一下青岛的特色美食(如:青岛啤酒,嘎啦等)越详细越好 1,肉末海参Sea cucumber with minced meat is a traditional famous dish in shandong,which belongs to shandong cuisine.(肉末海参是一道山东的传统名菜,属鲁菜系。Use minced meat with it to add a delicious sea cucumber.(用肉末与之搭配更增添了海参的鲜美。The dish is characterized by the aroma of minced meat while retaining the freshness of sea cucumber.(该菜品的特点是既有肉沫的香味又保持了海参的鲜味。2,原壳鲍鱼Raw shell abalone is one of the traditional specialties in shandong.(原壳鲍鱼是山东地区特色传统名菜之一。A seafood dish with shell fresh abalone,monkew,ham,winter bamboo shoots and cooked green beans.(一道带壳鲜鲍鱼、偏口鱼肉、火腿肉、冬笋、熟青豆为原料的海鲜料理。Tender meat,delicious taste,maintain a unique style,very nutritious.(肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,保持原形别具一格,很有营养。3,油爆海螺Fried conch shell is a traditional specialty in shandong province.(油爆海螺是在山东地区特色传统名菜。It belongs to lu cuisine,which is based on the Fried double crisp 。


