求高手帮忙翻译(汉译英) 08-32 tamping machine hydraulic system designed to improveAbstractTamping machine used in the new line railway line construction,overhaul the old-line screen and operation of line maintenance operations,on track to allocate Road,copied from Ping Road,carbide tamping and ballast carbide consolidate the operationsso that the orbit Direction,and around about the level of both high and low lines to the design standards or rules of the maintenance requirements and improve,the density of carbide bed,increasing the stability of the track and ensure safe operation of trains.Tamping machine can be separate from the operating level,copy or tamper operations,but in order to improve the quality of work,generally are allocated Road,copied from Ping Road,tamping operations at the same time operations,integrated operations.Now the production tamping machine in the world famous Pula Sai companies in Austria and Seoul,according to Tao Company(PLASSER&THEURER),the Swiss company Ma Disha(MATISA),the 请翻译高手帮忙翻译一下~ AbstractTamping machine used in the new line railway line construction,overhaul the old-line screen and operation of line maintenance operations,on track to allocate Road,copied from Ping Road,carbide tamping and ballast carbide consolidate the operations so that the orbit Direction,and around about the level of both high and low lines to the design standards or rules of the maintenance requirements,improve the density of carbide bed,increasing the stability of the track and ensure safe operation of trains.Tamping machine maintenance of railway construction has become an important and indispensable engineering equipment.But in the practical application of tamping machine also has some problems,such as energy consumption,low efficiency,temperature rise,in particular the problem of high temperature or a direct impact on the tamping machine of the normal work of the hydraulic system.The design is specific to tamping machine over the issue of its hydraulic system to improve the 08-32捣固车捣固、抄平、拨道系统中所用的传感器和给定电位计电源电压一般是()。A 参考答案:A生产移动脚手架工艺哪位可以说一说 脚手架:1 基本规定(1)本施工工艺适用于工业与民用建筑工程施工常规脚手架。(2)本施工工艺根据《建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范》(JGJ 130一2001)、捣固车的全称叫什么??请帮忙 全称叫“抄平起拨道捣固车”类型:按同时捣固轨枕数分为:单枕捣固车、双枕捣固车、四枕捣固车;按作业对象分为:线路捣固车、道岔捣固车;按作业走行方式分为:步进式捣固捣固车的CDC-16k 用于道岔作业,消除几何尺寸偏差,如图的CDG-16k型道岔捣固车有4个独立的捣固装置共有16个镐头,可根据道岔不同位置实现单镐和双镐捣固,按预先设定的轨道几何参数一次性急需知道中铁三局线桥分公司的情况 中铁三局集团有限公司线桥工程分公司的前身为抗美援朝工程总队一大队,成立于1951年。主要从事新建、改建和扩建铁路临管运营,各类工业、能源、交通及民用工程建设项目的起道机干什么用的 ??? 1 起拨道机作用克服了原来手提式小液压起拨道器拨道力和拨道量小,操作者的劳动强度大,作业效率低,作业质量难以保证等不足;在不需或不便于大型捣固车作业捣固车的介绍 大型养路机械(简称大机)的一种,适用于铁路线路的新线施工、既有线大中修清筛作业后和运营线路维修作业,对轨道进行自动抄平、起拨道、道碴捣固作业,提高道床石碴的密实度,增加轨道的稳定性,消除轨道的方向偏差,左、右水平偏差和前、后高低偏差,使轨道线路达到线路设计标准和线路维修规则的要求,保证列车的安全运行。起拨道机的介绍 起拨道机克服了原来手提式小液压起拨道器拨道力和拨道量小,操作者的劳动强度大,作业效率低,作业质量难以保证等不足;在不需或不便于大型捣固车作业的场合,发挥了重要的作用。可自动控制起道、拨道量,大大提高铁道线路的水平、高低、方向抄平与定向的效率和精度,特别适合线路的大、中修,新建、改道工程施工。
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