盛日不重来,一日难再晨的作者是谁?哪个朝代? 出自晋代诗人陶渊明的《陶渊明杂诗十二首·其一》
英语翻译 A splendid day is only once;and the morning in a day never comes again;be hard working whenever you could,'cause time awaits no man.
“盛年不再来,一日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。”这首诗的含义是要人们 B
盛日不重来,一日难再晨的作者是谁?哪个朝代? 出自晋代诗人陶渊明的《陶渊明杂诗十二首·其一》
英语翻译 A splendid day is only once;and the morning in a day never comes again;be hard working whenever you could,'cause time awaits no man.
“盛年不再来,一日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。”这首诗的含义是要人们 B