英语作文:关于春天和秋天的差别。100字左右,一定要用英语写,速求!!!!!!!谢谢 秋天干什么好英语作文


写一篇英语作文关于秋天的天气和景色嘞 The autumnI like autumn because the sights of autumn are beautiful.When we ride in the woods,we can see cleaners are busy sweeping the ground because the leaves on the ground grow thicker and thicker.The autumn is a harvest and busy season.The farmers are busy because it’32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333332636365s time to get in the crops and pick the fruit.The weather in autumn is always pleasant.It’s cool and dry.What a lovely season it is。还有一篇不知道从多久起,仿佛一场紧张的拼搏终于渐渐地透出了分晓,田野从它宽阔的胸膛里透过来一缕悠悠的气息,斜坡上和坝子上有如水一般的清明在散开,四下里的树木和庄稼也开始在微风里摇曳,树叶变得从容而宽余。露水回来了,在清晨和傍晚润湿了田埂,悄悄地挂上田间。露岚也来到了坝子上,静静地浮着,不再回到山谷里去。阳光虽然依旧明亮,却不再痛炙人的脊梁,变得宽怀、清澄,仿佛它终于乏力了,不能蒸融田野了,也就和田野和解了似的;秋天来了!英:Do not know how long the effect,as if the fight was anervous gradually revealing the known。

有关秋天能干什么的英语作文60到80词? Fallisthethirdseasonofayear.Therearethreemonthsinfall:July,Augustandseptember.秋天是四季中的第三季,秋天有三个月:六月、七月、八月。Theweatherinfalliscool,Sometimesit’swindy.Icanwearmyjacketsandjeans.秋天气候很凉爽,有时会刮风,我可以穿上我的茄克和牛仔裤。Ioftenflykitesandgohikingwithmygoodfriends.我经常放风筝,和我的朋友徒步旅行。Andtherearemanyfruitsinfall,Justlike:apples,bananas,oranges…AndtheMidAutuainFestivalisinfall,too.秋天还有很多水果,如苹果,香蕉,桔子,中秋节也在秋天。SoIlikefallverymuch.所以我很喜欢秋天。

秋天的英语作文 Harvest associationPersonification of Autumn(Currier&Ives Lithograph,1871).John Everett Millais,\"Autumn Leaves\".Autumn's association with the transition from warm to cold weather,and its related status as the season of the primary harvest,has dominated its themes and popular images.In Western cultures,personifications of autumn are usually pretty,well-fed females adorned with fruits,vegetables and grains and wheat that ripen at this time.Most ancient cultures featured autumnal celebrations of the harvest,often the most important on their calendars.Still extant echoes of these celebrations are found in the mid-autumn Thanksgiving holiday of the United States,and the Jewish Sukkot holiday with its roots as a full moon harvest festival of\"tabernacles\"(huts wherein the harvest was processed and which later gained religious significance).There are also the many North American Indian festivals tied to harvest of autumnally ripe foods gathered in the wild,the Chinese Mid-Autumn or Moon 。


