英语作文怎样保护水 三点 关于如何保护水资源的英语作文


一篇关于如何保护水资源的英语作文 The Importance of WaterAs we all know,plants and animals need water.So do the people's life and production,t,ife couldn't go on without water.With the rapid development of agriculture and industry,and water is needed.Therefore,water is becoming scarce in many places.What's a lot of rivers and lakes are beginning polluted by the waste watcr from factories.Fish can't live in them any longer.At the same time,thc waste water does great harm to people's health.In order to make rivers and lakes clean and prevent water from being polluted,we must do something to stop all sorts of pollution.水的重要性正如我们所了解的,动植物需要水,人类的生产生活也需要水。没有水便没有生命。随着工农业的迅速发展,水的需要量越来越大。因此,许多地方缺水。而且,许多河流湖泊被工厂排放的污水所污染,鱼不能生存。同时,废水给人们的健康带来极大的危害。为了保持河流湖泊清洁,防止水污染,我们必须采取措施,阻止各种污染

求一篇关于保护水资源的英语作文,80词左右,附带翻译,谢谢 Water is very important to the human beings.But now many rivers and lakes are polluted.And what shall we do?We can do like this:First we must prevent the factory from pouring waste water into the river Second we should stop people from throwing litter into the river.Many kinds of litter may pollute the environment.Finally we can tell the visitors how important the water is.After doing these things,I think water will become cleaner sooner or later.水是对人类非常重要.但是现在许多河流和湖泊受到污染。而我们该怎么办?我们可以这样做:首先,我们必须防止工厂将污水倒入河流。其次,我们应该阻止人们把垃圾扔进河流.各种垃圾会污染环境。最后,我们可以告诉参观者,水是多么重要。做了这些事情后,我认为水将迟早变得更清洁。

英语作文(有提示) Our life without water.Water is now really on the decline,water pollution.We should protect and in the use of water.Because water is important to us.Without water,people will not survive。

#英语作文怎样保护水 三点#英语作文保护水#保护水的英语作文怎么写

