高中英语作文我的理想大学 英语我的理想高中生活作文1000字


我的理想高中 英语作文 英语作文-我的理2113想When I got settled,the total use of the microwave to do their own things to eat.One day,my father saw me,I am afraid to say that I grew up as a cook.I immediately shaken like a rattle-drum head,you said:\"That is not my ideal.When I grow up I want to IT(information technology)industries.\"Yes,I bought a computer five years ago after his father,I am familiar with it day by day.Until last year,and I have formed a deep bond with it.From then on,I want success in the information technology industry to make contributions to the cause of national computer.But my father said I could only do in the field\"testing the game,\"is what the new game,and always let me play with,the report there will be any games.I think what he said is not their fault,I always play games recently,those who do not have a veteran like Flash.In recent days,I sprouted out of a bad idea:I will be playing the game that the network server to the black.My account will revise the highest level。.

我的理想生活(英语作文) My Ideal LifeI have ever dreamed of my ideal life many times,in the night or day time.They are so perfect that I even doubt if they could come true one day.In the ideal life,I am going to have a nice job,passionate and challenging.I would meet customers and guests coming from all over the world,and negociating on our business solution for them.People admire me,even envy me,because I am girl and better than themselves,with successful career,man seldom have chance to catch up with me,say nothing of looking down upon me.Also,as a result of my hard working,I receive an unbelievable payoff,which allows me to live freely and comfortably.Serveral boxes of formal suits and gorgeous shoes make me appear much successful and professional.I love this feeling.Moreover,I am gonna spend plenty of time with my parents and my family,they are part of my life too.When I feel lonly at night,or need a nest to lick my wounds,there they are.This is my Ideal life.希望对你有帮助,不懂的可以。

高中英语作文我的理想大学 In my understanding,if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner,then a high GPA,that is,Grade Point Average,should be the main course,while an active part in activities,together with associations,means the appetizer.Some romances,of course,play the role as desserts.They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life.Those,however,are not what college life is all about.As we all know,college is wildly different from middle school.It connects not only adolescence to adulthood,but also the ivory tower to the real society.Therefore,the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally,and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time.


