因为我长得太丑用英语怎样说 为啥你这么漂亮还单身


因为我长得太丑用英语怎样说 Because I'm such an ugly.ugly形容词表一类人,难看的人译为:因为我张的太丑…

形容人长得帅的成语有哪些? 英俊潇洒 风流倜傥 一表人才 风度翩翩 貌似潘安 古往今来、无与伦比、谦虚好学、不耻下问、聪明伶俐、活泼可爱、待友热情、对敌冷酷、阴险狡诈、无所不为、心狠手辣、无恶不作,对友赴汤蹈火、再所不辞、两肋插刀、枪.

求一篇英语作文,关于love story的,150词左右 Do students have the right to fall in love in college?This is a controversial issue in our times.Just as a coin has two sides,no side is better than the other;it is often difficult to distinguish what is right from what is wrong?Love is a feeling deep within our hearts.Roaming around the campus,you often hear people proclaim:“Why didn’t Cupid aimed his arrow at me?“Where is my handsome prince?This is probably why songs about love are so popular among the youth.Last year,I remember when one of my roommates met her Romeo.First,she ate very little for days and just sat opposite from the mirror singing:“Mirror,mirror,on the wall,who is the fairest of them all?We thought that she must be crazy and got the urge to ship her to the hospital.Later,they became lovers and we saw a twinkle in her eyes.She said:“Our match is made in heaven,there is a chemical bond between us.”In the days following,a smile always hung from her face.Isn’t love powerful?Another one of my roommates was not as 。


