你打算去哪里的英语作文寒假 写出你寒假期间去了哪里英语作文,要有翻译哟


英语作文 我的寒假计划.五句话左右 My winter holiday I decide to make a plan about my holiday.Let me tell you about my own idea。If i want to make myself health,i should take exercise and eat vegetables and fruits.Do not for.寒假计划英语作文 本人高一,试试:The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown.I am for back to my hometown for preparation.I mis.寒假就要到了,你有什么计划吗?英语作文 The national day is coming soon.At that day,I would like to goto Beijing,Because I never have been there before.This year,we willhave eight days off,so my parents decided to go to Beijing for a tripfor my pleasure.Our plan is following.The first day,wewill visit Tian'anmen square.On second day,we are going to gosightseeing.And on third day,we decided to go camping,and on the lastday,we plan to retun home.I think it will be a best day,because myparents and I are going the trip together.英语作文 快要放寒假了,你打算去哪儿度假呢?请描述一下你想像中的旅游场所的情形,60词左右. This winter holiday I wanna going to Australia to enjoy my vacation.Australia is still pretty warm in winter and alwans sunny.I will go sightseeing,shopping,enjoy some special snacks and learn about European culture and history.The most important is that I can have a good rest.What a fantastic plan。I can't wait。英语作文,漫长的寒假来临了。你在寒假打算干什么呢?写一篇你的寒假计划吧。(用be g 寒假马上就要结束了,我们将以新的精神面貌跨进新的学期。在这个学期里,我要百尺竿头,更进一步。首先,上课的时候,我要认真听讲,不做小动作,不和同学交头接耳,。英语作文 快要放寒假了,你打算去哪儿度假呢?请描述一下你想像中的旅游场所的情形,60词左右。 This winter holiday I wanna going to Australia to enjoy my vacation.Australia is still pretty warm in winter and alwans sunny.I will go sightseeing,shopping,enjoy some special snacks and learn about European culture and history.The most important is that I can have a good rest.What a fantastic plan。I can't wait。关于‘‘在这个寒假里你打算做什么”的英语作文 The holiday comes,I,maked a plan for my happy holiday. First,I will have a good rest so that I can learn better when I bank to school. Second,I would be 。写一篇假期旅游的打算 英语作文 For I want to spend my holiday fully,so I plan to go on a trip,I want to go to hongkong for 2 weeks,because it is not only a shopping paradise but also The heaven for children.It’s very far away,so.写出你寒假期间去了哪里英语作文,要有翻译哟 大概需要写多少字?我就稍微写一下吧,看合适不This winter vacation,I went to Beijing,the capital of China with my family.It is a beatiful city.Even though the weather was a little bit cold,I still visited different interestes of places every day,such as the Great Wall,the Summer Palace.What made me impressed was the Tian'an men square.It is one of the largest city squares in the world.It is situated in the heart of Beijing,which is spacious enough to accommodate half a million people.这个暑假我跟我的家人一起去了北京。这是一个很美丽的城市。尽管气温有点冷,但是我每天依旧出去参观不同的地方,像长城,颐和园。但是让我印象最深刻的是天安门广场。他是世界上最大的广场,位于北京中心,能够容纳100万人。望采纳啊。还是要好好学习,加油吧!写写你今年寒假打算去哪里?干什么?英语作文 I am going to play football with my friend.I am going to shop with my parents.I usually watch TV at home.I am going to the bookstore to buy a comic book.I love holidays.I love the Spring festival.I want to go to school too.They are a lot of friends play with me.I like studying very much.


