80天环游地球 英语 《八十天环游地球》的主要内容是什么


八十天环游地球用英文描述福克是个怎样的人 《八十天环游地球》是凡尔纳一部著名的科62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333339656439学幻想小说,小说讲述的是这样一个故事:英国绅士福克与朋友打赌两万英镑,要在80天内环游地球一周回到伦敦。但他不幸被误当作偷窃英格兰银行的大盗,被苏格兰场通缉、追捕。随后他和仆人路路通克服了路途中的重重艰难险阻,在环绕地球一圈并回到伦敦时,却迟到第一时间五分钟,他自认失败,却又意外地获得胜利—原来他自西向东绕地球一周,利用时差正好节约了一天的时间。一路上福克的机智、勇敢和毅力都表现了十足的绅士派头,最后抱得美人归—他在印度救出了一个殉葬的王公妻子(艾娥达夫人)。Around the world in 80 days\"is Verne a famous science fiction,the novel tells the story of is such a story:Fokker British gentleman with friends bet twenty thousand pounds,to within 80 days around the world in a week to return to London.But unfortunately he was mistaken as a thief stealing the Bank of England,Scotland yard wanted to pursue.Then he and his servant Lu Tong overcome the way of difficulties and obstacles,in a circle around the earth 。

八十天环游地球的英文简介 This is a century occurred in the two previous adventure story of a rigorous work stereotypical British gentleman,and accept the challenge,across the sea,through the ancient Oriental oldest in the world,after the Indians haunt the wilderness,overcoming all kinds of unexpected difficulties,with 80 days of time around the Earth,completed the feat of mankind over nature.There is a thing called the eternal,as the stars of heaven,the mountain stream and you need these beautiful,fairy-tale story.Each life is you can not read the classics我翻译了半天,加分,加分

急求 八十天环游地球的英文简介~~最好中英文都有~ The The eighty days earth\"is a famous French science fiction writer Jules verne,an important work.The book is about a gentleman fogg because in improving the 。

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