我没有太多时间吃早餐,因为我通常吃得很快,用英语怎么说? I do not have much time to eat breakfast,because I usually eat quickly。吃早饭的时间到了用英语怎么说? time‘s up for breakfastit's time for breakfastit's breakfast time我们没有很多时间吃早饭用英语怎么说 我们没有很多时间吃早饭 We don't have a lot of time to eat breakfast我没有很多时间吃早饭. 英文咋写? I don't have enough/much time to have breakfast.I haven't enough/much time to have breakfast.希望能帮到你学生们没有许多时间来吃一顿丰盛的早餐英文翻译2种 Students don't have much time to eat a good breakfast.Students have no time to eat a good breakfast.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck。用英语说 有一种健康的生活 有许多时间吃早饭/没时间吃中饭(2种) Have a healthy life/There is a healthy life have a lot of time to eat breakfast/have plenty of time to eat breakfast no time to have lunchhave/do not have time to eat lunch英语翻译 Scott's working time is very long.He ate his breakfest after he took a shower.How funny the time for breakfest.The bus always sent him to the working place at 19:15.What do you know about his job?The school starts class at 9.He arrived home at 7,watching the daytime program.Please write me a letter about your activity in the morning.Tony没有很多时间吃早餐,所以他吃饭很快.翻译成英文,学霸们帮帮忙.(≧^ω^≦) Tony doesn't have much time to have breakfast,so he eats quickly/fast.或者:Because Tony doesn't have much time to have breakfast,he eats quickly/fast.注:/表示可以任意选用前后其一.
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