很多人觉得英语发音不重要,大家是怎么认为的呢? 泰国记者的提问片段 张璐翻译_腾讯视频 ? v.qq.com 2、非洲老师教授发音。你能听出来是Google吗?3、当泰国英语遇上日本英语,中文口音算什么。日本顾客在麦当劳要买“来。
英语翻译 1.I think the first thing you should do is to develop your interest in and try your best to learn it.2.Secondly,you should concentrate during(English)classes,also chat with your classmates in after class.3.Reading is very important for learning English(你原来的说法有些不通顺,我帮你改了一点,句意不变),you should try to read some stories,magazines,as well as some newspapers.4.You should keep on writing something in English.5.You should build up a firm belief(that you could learn well).纯手工翻译如有疑问请及时追问??????????祝你进步。
英语翻译 生命健康安全对我们来是最重要的。你看了校车安全事故新闻后,请谈谈:Life and health security for us is the most important。You see the school bus safety accident news,please:1.你有什么感想?What do you have.