08-32型捣固车共有()台液压泵。A、2 B、3 C、4 D、5 参考答案:B捣固车液压系统所用高压胶管接头为()胶管接头。 参考答案:可拆式和扣压式08-475道岔捣固车液压系统使用的液压油是N46。 参考答案:对08-475道岔捣固车液压系统使用的液压油是N100。 参考答案:错求高手帮忙翻译(汉译英) 08-32 tamping machine hydraulic system designed to improveAbstractTamping machine used in the new line railway line construction,overhaul the old-line screen and operation of line maintenance operations,on track to allocate Road,copied from Ping Road,carbide tamping and ballast carbide consolidate the operationsso that the orbit Direction,and around about the level of both high and low lines to the design standards or rules of the maintenance requirements and improve,the density of carbide bed,increasing the stability of the track and ensure safe operation of trains.Tamping machine can be separate from the operating level,copy or tamper operations,but in order to improve the quality of work,generally are allocated Road,copied from Ping Road,tamping operations at the same time operations,integrated operations.Now the production tamping machine in the world famous Pula Sai companies in Austria and Seoul,according to Tao Company(PLASSER&THEURER),the Swiss company Ma Disha(MATISA),the 。
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