外贸中 码头用英文怎么翻译 各位:请问在外贸出口操作中,付款方式都有哪几种?


英语翻译 集装箱、煤炭、木材等散货、件杂货、内外贸货物的装卸、仓储、中转业务the business including the load and unload,storage and transfer of bulk cargos like container,coal,lignum and smallwares,Domestic and.

200分击球!!!外贸英语翻译,整篇谢谢了 下午4点半前要,有三万多分,重谢!!! 1、Logistics is the process of planning,implementing and controlling the efficient,effective flow and storage of goods,services and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of meeting customer requirements。物流是一个以满足顾客从原点到消费需求为目的,计划,实施,控制货物,服务及相关信息高效 有作用的流通与贮存的过程。2、The essence of logistics is a process of”planning,implementing,and controlling”物流的宗旨是计划实施控制3、The principle of logistics is“efficient,effective flow and storage”物流的原则是 高效 有作用的流通与贮存4、The purpose of logistics is”meeting customer requirements”物流的目的是 满足客户需求5、Customer service involves making sure that the right person receive the right product with the right quantity at the right place at the right time in the right condition at the right cost.客户服务包括,确定收货人产品,接收地点,环境,价格的正确性6、Too much packing increases costs while inadequate protection can result in 。

外贸英语中的缩写NA,N/A和N.A.有什么分别 Not Applicable是不相关,不适用的意思,经常被简写成N/A,N.A.,n/a。三种表达只是形式不同的区别,但是少见于“NA”这种缩写形式。柯林斯词典N.A.CONVENTION 不适用;没货;。

#外贸中 码头用英文怎么翻译

