努力按时做某事英文翻译 英语翻译


“尽力做某事”用英语怎么说? try to do sth.设法做某事,尽力做某事:He tried to finish the work ahead of time.他设法提前完成这件工作.try doing sth.试着做某事,试验做某事:-I usually go there by train.-Why not try going by boat for a.我们应竭尽全力按时完成作业 英语翻译 We should do our best to finish the task on time.We should try our best to finish our homework on time.try/do one's best to do sth.尽力去做某事.英语try to do和try doing的意思? try to do sth.现在多译为:设法做某事,努力/尽力做某事 They tried to solve the problem.他们设法解决这个问题。Try to go there on time.尽量按时去那儿。(尽力去做某。我们下定决心要按时完成这项艰难的任务用英语咋翻译啊。 We make up our mind to finish this tough task on time.make up one's mind to do sth.下决心做某事tough task 艰难的任务manage doing 和manage to do的区别 manage doing是错误的。manage to do读音:英[?m?n?d? tu du?]美[?m?n?d? tu du?]释义:设法,设法做成。语法:基本意思是“试用”“努力”,指为完成某工作或。英语翻译 We will inform you as soon as we come to a conclusion;If I was him,I would try/do my best to finish the task on time;This college provides all things which he expected;You should made the best use of.


