华北指挥部的英文是什么 North CommandWhat's the man like?什么意思(那个男的在指挥)用英语怎么回答?是Hi is tall and strong. 指挥官用英语怎么写 commanderGeneral另附中英文对照表:陆军一级上将 General First Class上将 General中将 Lieutenant General少将 Major General大校 Senior Colonel上校 Colonel中校 Lieutenant Colonel少校 Major上尉 captain中尉 First Lieutenant少尉 Second Lieutenant军士长 Master Sergeant专业军士 Speicalist Sergeant上士 Sergeant,First Class中士 Sergeant下士 Corporal上等兵 Private,First Class列兵 Private海军一级上将 Admiral,First Class上将 Admiral中将 Vice Admiral少将 Rear Admiral大校 Senior captain上校 captain中校 Commander少校 Lieutenant Commander上尉 Lieutenant中尉 Lieutenant,Junior Grade少尉 Ensign军士长 Chief Petty Officer专业军士 Special Petty Officer上士 Petty Officer,First Class中士 Petty Officer,Second Class下士 Petty Officer,Third Class上等兵 Seaman,First Class列兵 Seaman,Second Class空军一级上将 General,First Class上将 General中将 Lieutenant General少将 Major General大校 Senior Colonel少校 Major上尉 Captain中尉 First Lieutenant少尉 Second 。英语翻译 The basic principle is that computer storage procedures and process control.Advance how to command the operation of computer instruction sequences(called procedures)and the raw data through the importation of equipment transported to the memory of the computer.Each provides a clear directive from the computer address from which few,what,and then sent to the address to what such steps.Computer running,first out of the first memory of the instructions,the controller through the decoder,according to the requirements of directives from the data out of memory designated computing and processing logic operation,and then send the results and then address to the memory.Next,the instructions to remove the second,under the command of the controller to complete the operation.And so continue until the stop command encountered the same procedures and data storage,scheduling the order in accordance with the procedure,step-by-step removal instructions,automatically provides complete command of the 。
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