《傻瓜伊万》的主要内容?· As a pupil,we can't cheat in the exam,with some cheating way to get good grades,and finally also suffer.
傻瓜伊万 Fool Ivan,became apparent.He silly and full of indifferent face of ancestral property,willing to give two brothers,the family has live in harmony.Heart jealous witch mountain air,ordered his men to destroy three demon.Two brothers,a overexert a greedy,each of the two demon's treacherous,because of an stupid fool Ivan conquered the third demon,but with strong determination to defeat the other two demon character.Finally,he left a collection of two lonely brother.Men see things witch mountain adverse decision personally.At this time the three brothers each became king.Old monsters weakness to seize the king's two brothers,beat them again.However,when he was Ivan the fool Kingdom damage,lost time and time again,the final shooting itself in the foot.
傻子伊凡全文,急。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。快 傻瓜伊万2113的故事一以前,有一个富裕农民5261,他有三个4102儿子:武士谢苗、大肚皮塔拉斯和傻瓜伊万。他还有一个未成亲的女儿叫马拉尼娅,是个哑巴。武士谢苗为国王卖命,在外征战。大肚皮1653塔拉斯进城经商,在一个商人那里当伙计。傻子伊万和哑巴女儿在家务农,靠劳动为生。武士谢苗作战有功,做了大官,赐了封地,还娶了贵族的女儿为妻。他的俸禄优厚,领地广大,却总是入不敷出,不管丈夫挣多少,都被他那位贵族太太挥霍一空,家里总是缺钱。谢苗到领地来收租赋,管事对他说:“没有什么可收的,我们没有牲畜,没有挽具,没有马,没有奶牛,没有犁,也没有耙。要把这些东西都备齐,才会有收入。武士谢苗就去找父亲。“爹,”他说,“你这么有钱,可什么也没给我。把家产分给我三分之一吧,我拿到我的领地去。老人说:“你什么也没给我带回家来,为什么要给你三分之一?伊万和妹妹会感到委屈啊。谢苗说:列夫·托尔斯泰童话·258·“伊万是傻子,妹妹是哑巴,他们需要什么?老人说:“听伊万怎么说吧。可是伊万说:“好吧,让他拿去吧。武士谢苗从家里拿走了一份,合并到自己的家产中,接着又到国王那儿做事去了。大肚皮塔拉斯赚了许多钱。