我们本应该及时地完成这项工作。 用英语怎么说 We should have finished the work on time.
如果有不妥的地方请及时和我联系,英文怎么说 如果有不妥的地方请及时和我联系。英文:If there is anything wrong,please contact me in time. 如果有不妥的地方请及时和我联其他翻译如下: Any questions please let 。
及时性用英语怎么说 及时jíshíA.副词①(适时)in time及时播种sow at the right time及时赶到arrive in the nick of time②(马上)promptly及时总结经验summarize one’s experiences without delay有病要及时治疗。Get prompt treatment when you are ill.B.形容词timely及时的忠告opportune advice这场雪下得很及时。This snow has come at the right time.望采纳!谢谢!