我已经去过上海很多次了翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 1.Have you had your breakfast yet?Yes,I have.2.Has he finished his homework yet?No,he hasn't.3.Have they been to Beijing yet?Yes,they have been to Beijing twice.4.How long has Marry been in Shanghai?So far he has been in Shanghai for two months.5.How many words have you learnt so far?I've already learnt 1600 words so far.

英语翻译句子 1.他去过那个宠物店很多次。 2.汤姆不在办公室,他去理发了。 3.他来上海两年多了。 he has been to that pet shop for many timestom isnt in his office he has gone to the barber'she has been in shanghai for than two yearsthan 改aswhile 改 whengone 改been

英语翻译 By the end of 2009 I become the Shanghai municipal blood center volunteer service corps of a volunteer,in the past two years I have free service dozens of hours,and DuoCi personally donated blood,accumulative total of 2200 ml,XianXieLiang for Shanghai donated public welfare undertakings up an own strength.Volunteers is not only a way of life,is also a kind of attitude to life,believe that will slowly become a social atmosphere.

