节水护水人人有责演讲稿 节约用水演讲稿作文500字


节约用水演讲稿作文500字 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家早上好。水,天上、地下、江湖海里都有。对于节约用水,同学们总觉得不如节约别的东西那么重要。有的同学开水龙头、洗脚、洗毛,有同学一喝。

用“留住一桶水”为题,写一篇英文演讲稿 英文版:简要介绍节约用水的原因和具体做法.WHY CONSERVE?Water conservation is the most cost-effective and environmentally sound way to reduce our demand for water.This stretches our supplies farther,and protects places like Mono Lake.For example,the city of Los Angeles has grown by 1 million people since the 1970s,but still uses the same amount of water.Using less water also puts less pressure on our sewage treatment facilities,and uses less energy for water heating.THE WATER AND ENERGY CONNECTIONSaving water also saves energy.6.5%of the energy used in the state of California is for pumping and treating water-in fact,pumping water south(and uphill)in the State Water Project accounts for 2-3%of all the electricity used in the state.And for your personal energy bill,using less hot water saves on water heating.On the flip side,saving energy and using alternative energy saves water-electricity production from fossil fuels and nuclear energy is responsible for 39%of all freshwater 。

写一篇关于水污染的演讲稿 急!请亲们快点(中英文都行)(450-500字)

