我们两人自助去那拉提大草原玩一个星期,(我们是学生),大概消费是多少?.请阿里巴巴生意经朋友帮忙 那拉提大草原介绍视频


那拉提草原旅游最佳时间是什么时候 那拉提草原是新疆最著名的草原之一,也是抄世界四大草原之一的亚高山草甸植物区,其位于那拉提山北坡,是发育在第三纪古洪积层上的中山地草原,自古以来就是著名的牧常河谷、山峰、深峡、森林交相辉映。最佳旅行季节为6-9 月,此时的草原一片碧绿,还有野花盛袭开,而且气候适宜。每年6月之后,大群的牲畜转入,进入草原的黄金季节,草原人的各种集会多在此举行。当地还可体会哈萨克民俗风情。那拉提草原东南接那拉提高岭,势如屏障,西北百沿巩乃斯河上游谷地断落,地势大面积倾斜,山泉密布,溪流纵横。缘山脚冲沟深切,河道交错,森林茂密,莽度原展缓起伏,松塔沿沟擎柱,还有毡房点点,畜群云移,是巩乃斯草原的重要夏牧常。

急急急!伊犁那拉提大草原里面有信号吗?朋友一个人去伊犁后就失去联系了,已经4天了,不知道什么情况! 进山可能没有。你四天联系不上的话可能他是想上哪散心。没什么吧

那拉提草原英文简介 West when the legend of Genghis Khan,Mongolia has an army from the depths of the Tianshan moving to Ili,at a time of spring,the mountains are filled with snow,hunger and cold so grueling army,do not want to turn the mountains,flowers in front of it is a tapestry The vast grassland,spring clouds,flowing water features,as if into another world,when Yunkai sunrise,sunset such as blood,it is not the shouting\"那拉5261提41021653(there is the sun),那拉提\"then left the names.那拉提grassland development in section 3 are ancient alluvial layer Ji Zhongshan to pasture on the southeast then那拉提kaolinite,such as potential barriers along the Northwest River Valley kunas drop-off,large-area terrain tilt,spring clouds,streams China.Fate the foot deep gullies,rivers crisscrossing the dense forests,wilderness outreach ease ups and downs along the ditch松塔Qing-chu,毡房have little herd clouds moving kunas grasslands are an important summer pasture.那拉提Scenic Area is located in the new 。


