你明天打算干什么用英语怎么说? 我打算去干什么英语


去到哪里然后打算干什么的英语 I've Set A Goal To Travel To Du Fu Cottage.我打算到杜甫草堂去旅游When I was in senior school,I'd already known there's a famous scenery spot in Chengdu.It's Du Fu Cottage right.在中学的时候就知道成e69da5e6ba9062616964757a686964616f31333262376664都有个著名的景点—“杜甫草堂”Now,I'm eventurely in Chengdu.现在,我终于到了成都了。An idea begin to emerge in my mind—\"To Travel To Du Fu Cottage\"一个念头开始在我脑海里浮现—“去杜甫草堂去旅游”So I appointed my other three roommates to travel there on this weekend.因此我约好了我的三个室友这个周末一起到那儿去旅游。We'll visit the beautiful natural scenary there,learn the life of Du Fu in Chengdu at then.We will mainly visit the Du Fu Cottage Museum which is in memory of the great poet Du Fu in our country in Song Dynasty.Certainly,we'll read the poetry of Du Fu to experence how Du Fu was struggling with the hard life,and his deep thought on life.We can also sit on a chair,taste a cup of tea silently travelling through the time to 。

我打算今天干什么 的英文翻译是什么? what do I plan to do today?

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