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初二语文上册第一课,老师说让找一篇新闻,然后写六要素和新闻的结构的五个部分是什么,大家帮帮忙!谢谢 新闻六要素:时间,地点,人物,事件起因,过程,结果。结构:标题,导语,主体,背景,结语
求一篇短篇的英语新闻,最好是最新的,越简单的越好 It has been an ambitious project.Laying a 17,000 kilometre fibre optic cable under the sea linking Europe and Asia with East and Southern Africa.Seacom,a Mauritius-based company,is today officially launching the arrival of a fast broadband internet service in Kenya,Tanzania,Mozambique and South Africa.It should be commercially available in a few weeks’time.Three other fibre optic cables are due to become operational soon including one which is backed by the Kenyan government.In theory the region could be on the brink of an internet revolution.But it all depends how well the service is rolled out across the region.