《囊萤》,《映雪》,《悬梁》,《刺股》这4个故事分别是什么??? 详细点。共4 1、《囊萤》 晋代时,车胤从小好学不倦,但因家境贫困,父亲无法为他提供良好的学习环境。为了维持温饱,没有多余的钱买灯油供他晚上读书。。英语翻译 A light made of firefliesLong time ago,there was a man called CheYin,although his family was very poor,he worked very hard.To maintain adequate food and clothing,his father had no money to buy oil of light for him to read at night,but he did not give up reading.One evening of summer,he was reciting an essay in the yard,suddenly saw many fireflies flying and dancing in the lower sky,shining and glittering in the darkness.He came up with some good ideas:if I put them together,it can be a lamp。Then he found a white cloth bag,grabed some tens of fireflies into it,fastened the bag and hanged it up.Altough it was not bright as lamp,but it was enough to read with.He studied very had and finally became a high official.Anyone without superior material conditions can be succeed.Ostrvosky writes in his book that a person should live his life like this:when he remember the past,he will not regret for his wasting time and ashamed for his inaction.关于读书的成语 1.表示书读得多成语:博览群书、学富五车、博闻强识、博学多才、满腹经纶、博古通今、汗牛充栋、才高八斗、读书破万卷 2.表示“精读”书的成语:咬文嚼字、寒窗苦读、。
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