你在干什么英语 你在干嘛呢英文怎么说?


怎么用英语说“你在干嘛”? 你在干嘛的英文:2113What are you doingdoing 读法 英['du???]美['du??]1、v.做;干(do的ing形式)52612、n.活动;所作所为短语4102:1、enjoy doing 乐于做…,1653喜欢做…2、keep doing 一直做某事3、keep doing something 一直做某事,继续做某事4、stop doing 停止做;停下正在做的事情;停止正在或经常做的事5、will be doing 将来进行时扩展资料一、doing的近义词:workingworking 读法 英['w??k??]美['w?k??]1、adj.工作的;操作的;可行的2、n.工作;活动;制作;操纵3、v.工作;影响;受雇用(work的ing形式)短语:1、working condition 工作环境;使用状态2、working out 规划(制定,作成,计算,算出);前进式开采3、working face 工作面;施工面;回采工祖4、working procedure 运行程序;办理手续5、hard working 勤奋的;努力工作的二、doing的词汇搭配:1、be studious of doing sth 非常想做某事.2、live by doing 靠.过活3、rate of doing work 作功率4、evil doing 坏事(恶劣行为).5、catch him at doing 他决不(干)

你在干什么用英语怎么说 1.What are you doing2.What the hell are you doing3.What are you about4.what r u doing

你在干嘛呢英文怎么说? 你在干嘛呢的英文翻译是What are you doing。双语32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333365656536例句1.What are you doing fooling with such a staggering sum of money?你拿着这么一大笔钱瞎折腾什么呢?2.What are you doing?Are you out of your mind?你在干什么?你疯了吗?3.\"Dr Campbell,\"he said,clearly surprised.\"What are you doing here?“坎贝尔医生,”他显然很惊讶地说道,“您怎么在这儿?4.\"And what are you doing now?—'Oh this and that.'“那你现在在做什么呢?“哦,瞎忙。5.\"What are you doing here?he asked snidely.他挖苦道:“你在这里干什么呢?6.\"What are you doing?she demanded shrilly.“你在干什么?她厉声责问。7.What are you doing this evening?你今晚打算做什么?


