求一段商务英语对话。 A:these are our newest products,please have a look.这是我们的最新产品,请看一下.B:they looks good,他们看起来挺不错A:yes.they are popular in asia market.是的,他们在亚洲市场很受热销.B:how about the qual.
英语作文:请用英文写一封标准的求职信,应聘职位是某酒店的人力资源部经理.要求信的字数在150字左右. Dear,Sir。I am Weihong.I am writing to appy for the position of the manager in personned resource department.I read your advertisement for this position in a newspaper yesterday and I think I am the right person you want.Because I majored in hotel management when in college.Besides I always stood out in all my subjects.I can speak very good and can communicate with foreigners easily.I am skilled in computers and can use it freely.I am outgoing and easygoing and I think I can get on well with others.I worked for another hotel for two years so I know what to do in my future job.I am creative and aggressive so I can come up with wonderful ideas.I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.I am looking forward to your Yours.Weihong.
阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。 创新研发才是王道目前,智能手机行业竞争日趋激烈.甲企业致力于硬件的研发,乙企业着眼于软件的开发,丙企业则专注于新颖的行销方式.三个企业,我觉得还是甲企业靠谱,以创新寻求突破,以研发而取胜,因为创新研发才是王道.大众创业,万众创新,中央早已吹起了进军的号角.在这里,创新是主要内容.众所周知,手机原先叫大哥大,是少数人才用得起的商品;后来,手机大众化了,但只具有接听和文本信息处理功能;再后来,手机进入了智能化时代.手机由粗劣走向高端,这一路走来,全靠的是创新研发,它使手机芯片更好,机身更薄,像素更高.只有这些硬件上去了,才能成为好的品牌手机.为什么那么多人喜欢用苹果、华为的手机呢?还不是因为这些手机质量好,性能高吗?还不是因为这些手机生产者始终保持强大的创新研发能力吗?据说华为的研发人员占整个企业员工的一半,这些具有强大研发创新能力的人员,谱写着华为的狼性文化,撂倒了不少跨国同行巨头.古人说,抛弃事物的根本,追求枝节,那叫舍本逐末.仔细看来,乙企业和丙企业就是这样的.乙企业看重便捷的界面和人性化的操作系统,诚然,这些也重要.可是,把重点放在这些上面,那就舍弃了根本.皮之不存,毛将焉附?。