CBA现有多少名球员??拜托了各位 谢谢 殷志勇 江苏药品监督


英语高手注意!!重谢! 时代英语April 2008(一)我的高三生活My Senior 3 lifeWith bird s inging,I,a Senior 3 sudent,get up early and s tart mys tudy of a day at once.Born in a poor family,I expected to get education.In ordernot to let my parents down,I have to devote myself to the s tudies tothe full.The life in Senior 3 is hard.Dreaming of pas s ing the college entrance examination,we try our bes t to s tudy.Hardas the life of Senior 3 is,each of us doesn。t seem to give up.As a proverb goes,diligence is the mother of succes s,we work as hard as we could.Actually,it is our parents and teachers that are also hardworking for us.Cons idered as candles,they burnthemselves to brighten us.They are willing to do what they can to as s is t us.Our teachers encourage us to buildconfidence and inspire us to improve our s tudy,and are always by us whenever we meet with difficulty.At home,weare well taken care of by our parents.I am moved by what they do for us.Educated by the teachers and cared 。

CBA各队球星 2007-2008赛季CBA联赛各队参赛名单 2007-2008赛季CBA联赛各队参赛名单 八一双鹿 号码 姓名 出生年月 身高 场上位置 4 王中光 1987.02 1.92 后卫 5 李克 1982.07 1.90 后卫 。

都有哪些球队或俱乐部参加CBA 广东东莞银行队 江苏南钢队八一双鹿队 东莞新世纪浙江万马队上海西洋队浙江广厦队福建浔兴队辽宁盼盼队长春大成生化北京首钢队陕西东盛队山西中宇队山东黄金队天津荣钢队青岛双星队新疆广汇队上海玛吉斯

#殷志勇 江苏药品监督

