我的乐于助人的同学《my helpful classmate》英语作文,要写一件事,120词以上. 我今天帮同学做了一件事英语


我的乐于助人的同学《my helpful classmate》英语作文,要写一件事,120词以上. Tom is one of my classmate,he is very helpful.Most of our classmates like him very much,I like him too,because he always helps us.One day,it rained after school.I didn't take the umbrella,I was worr.英语翻译,要用 it is a lucky thing for me to meet such good junior classmates and teacher英语翻译 My classmates and i were busy with our homework for the summer vacation today.Because we soon have to go to school and we have not finished our homework yet.I have got another happy thing.I bought a n.我要一篇英语作文:以“我最难忘的一件事”为题。马上要。 My most memorable one thingIn my mind there is a most memorable things,though it had so long time,but to this day,I still can't forget.Remember that it was a rainy day,I go to school in the morning when the day did not have,so they also didn't take my umbrella,who knows to afternoon when school was over,it was already rain.How to do,I was alone in the classroom,at this time my good friend little red appear in my in front,is she put me back to home.Finally,I didn't know I was she sent the first ten students我最难忘的一件事在我的脑海里有一件最难忘的事,这件事虽然都过去那么长时间了,但至今我还无法忘怀.记得那是一个下雨天,我早上上学时天还没下,所以也就没带雨伞,谁知道到下午放学时,天已经下起了雨.怎么办呢,我一个人呆在教室里,这时我的好朋友小红出现在了我的面前,是她把我送回了家.最后我才知道我已经是她送的第十个同学了我帮同学做一件事作文350字 众所周知,俺可是活雷锋。我为同学做过许多好事,真是不计其数。这天正是盛夏,天气又闷又热,可班里偏偏没水喝了。有些同学急得一个劲的按饮水机的出水阀。“下节还是体育课,外面又那么热,真不想出去。一些同学报怨道。上课铃响了,大家也只好耐地走了。下了体育课,大家气喘吁吁,慢吞吞地向教学楼“挪去”。而我却第一个冲进水房,我弯下腰,一手握住水桶的顶部,另一只手托住底部,把它举到胸前,抱着它一步步向三楼走去。我每上一层楼就把桶放下来休息一下,因为刚上完体育课体力实在不行了,心想:既然已经做了的事就不能再退缩,一定要坚持到底。经过我的一番努力终于把水桶搬到了三楼。此时我一点力气也没了,一屁股坐到台阶上,心理却不停想着:辛苦自己幸福他人,谁叫咱是“雷锋”呢…我擦了擦汗水,做了做深呼吸,把水桶慢慢滚到班里,又将外面的包装撕掉,然后小心翼翼地把它扛在肩上,对准饮水机口,插了上去。我回到座位,向机器人顿时短路一般摊在椅子上。这时同学们回来了,看到有水了,就象哥伦布发现新大陆一样喜出望外,端起杯子畅饮起来,看着这一切,我心理无比高兴。英语作文:假期里做的一件事 I went to see a film named with my classmates in JiangNan Cinema.以下是一篇从网上看到的别人的观后感,Review on Bodyguards and Assassinswas thoroughly,deeply,and magnificently entertained for the film's entire running time,and for that I am eternally grateful.The plot is rather transparent,and even predictable,but only in the best kind of way.In its defense,the plot should be straightforward,since there's(thankfully)no espionage subplot/distraction that leads to narrative machinations.A group of essentially everyday people must protect Sun Yat Sen from assassins while he visits Hong Kong.The film is also didactic,but you know that from the first frame.And for this film,it works,because it is an integral plot point.How can you make a movie about political turmoil in China and not be somewhat didactic?Refreshingly,the film is not one-sidedly didactic.In all honesty,I am surprised that the film's sympathies lay where they do,politically speaking.Because some of the conflicts in the 。“记叙一件发生在你与老师或同学之间的事”的英语作文怎么写 In a break,I was doing my homework,suddenly,there are two classmates in fought,they hit my table,then my pen lid flew out,fell on the ground,I very angry,but my deskmate but told me not tobe angry,and walk over to help me pick up a pen,I am very grateful to her,she taught me a very important lesson,the topic is\"how forgiveness\".中文翻译:在一个课间,我正在写作业,突然,有两个同学在打起了架,他们碰撞到了我的桌子,然后我的笔盖飞了出去,掉在地上,我很愤怒,但是我的同桌却告诉我不要生气,并走过去帮我捡起了笔,我很感谢她,她为我上了重要的一课,题目是“怎样宽容”.与同学之间的一件事 英语作文 初四 我主要想要一件事 军训,对于一个还没有亲身经历的刚刚迈进校门的初一学生而言,只是一个跟部队有关的词而已,没人能说出它的意义.如今,我带着告别小学的那份欣喜,怀着对初中生活的向往,开始了初中学习生活的第一步,真实地体验到军训的特别滋味.当老师让我们在操场上集合后,几个教官身穿笔挺的绿色军装,迈着矫健的步伐来到我们的面前,我们的眼睛都齐刷刷地看向他们,眼睛里满是期待与仰慕.可没想到,正式的军训根本就不是那么让人轻松,随着教官的“立正,稍息,向左转,齐步走.一二一,一二一,立定,稍息”口令,我们开始感知到训练的单调.尤其是开学的这短时期,正是“秋老虎”发威,太阳火辣辣地照耀着,一丝风也没有,水泥地也白得逼人的眼,我们走了一个来回又一个来回,嗓子干了,头上湿了,多想听到教官一声“解散”,然后去“逃命”啊。可我们的痛苦却完全不被教官怜悯,他们还是那么精神地指挥着,好像这时才是显露他们飒爽英姿的最佳时刻,才是他们作为军人顽强毅力的体现.直到我们都筋疲力竭了,终于,我们期待已久的“解散,休息十分钟”从教官的嘴里冒出来了。“啊,终于解放了。顿时,操场上躺下了一大片,没躺着的,也是瘫坐在地上,互相背倚着背,头无力地靠着肩上,嘴里嘀咕着:原来当兵这么苦啊。一周的军训,在困苦。


